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Hypnotherapy versus Talking Therapy

One question I often get asked is - "Why would somebody choose hypnotherapy over counselling or other talking therapies?"

It's a great question, and one that has many answers!

Before I go any further I'd like to make it clear that I am not recommending hypnotherapy over other types of therapies. What suits one person won't suit another, and we're lucky that the therapy world has evolved in such a way that we have lots of really effective options to pick from. What's important is that you choose a therapist who makes you feel safe and comfortable, and has a proven track record of helping others.

Minimal talking

Firstly, and perhaps the biggest difference is, with hypnotherapy you won't be required to talk at length about your past experiences or upsetting memories. I am often able to work 'content free' with clients, which means I actually need very little info about your past. What I am more interested in is how your problem affects you in the present - what it prevents you from doing and how you are currently showing up in the world. Then I need to know how you want to feel or behave in the future (this might sound strange, but very often when I ask people that question they just say - "I don't want to feel anxious/afraid/sad" etc and have given very little thought as to what would feel more comfortable instead). Apart from at the beginning of a session, when we discuss your ams and goals, you really aren't required to do very much talking at all! You can tell me as much or as little about your problem as you want, and anything you do say is held in the strictest confidence.

Most of the work that goes on is done in the quiet of your own mind, while I guide you towards more helpful thoughts, feelings and emotions with my words. Hypnotherapy requires you to use your imagination, in a similar way to when you're daydreaming - only you'll be following my prompts and suggestions to create the more supportive reactions and behaviours you want to experience.

Fast and effective

With talking therapies you may require a number of sessions to gradually unpick your problem and find a comfortable resolution or way forward. Typically, I see my clients for just 3-4 sessions - and occasionally even just one session is enough for changes to click into place. I've even had clients create incredible change simply by responding to the information I provide as standard in my free Discovery Sessions! My aim is always to get you into a good place as soon as possible, armed with tools and techniques that you can use at home to support all the work we do in the therapy room.

Uplifting and rejuvenating

Finally, hypnotherapy is really fun and empowering! You won't ever leave a session feeling worse than when you came in. I want to make sure you have a really positive experience - there's no reason why therapy has to be dull or depressing. I often describe my sessions as 'a spa day for your mind' as the end result is that you'll feel completetly rejuvenated. Hypnotherapy is very future-focused, allowing you to create and experience the future you really want in the comfort of your own mind. Once you do that, it then becomes much easier to create it for real in your life.

Who can enjoy hypnotherapy?

Pretty much anyone! Hypnosis is natural to all of us. If you have a creative mind and a good imagination, hypnotherapy could be just what you're looking for. It will open up a whole new way of being for you! The only real contraindications are for those who experience psychosis, schizophrenia, personality disorders, dementia or senility. Other conditions such as epilepsy, narcolepsy or serious heart conditions may require your GP's approval.

A female therapist talking with a young male client
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