Aug 3, 2024
Help with repressed emotions
While suppressing an emotion is a conscious action, repressed emotions are ones that you unconsciously avoid - these don't get the chance to

Oct 4, 2023
You will never be free of anxiety
There, I’ve said it. You will never be free of anxiety. And actually, you never want to be, because it has its purpose. You need to know...

Sep 28, 2023
Become aware of your thoughts
We cannot change the thoughts that pop into our mind automatically Nobody can do that. But we can begin to influence what our next...

Sep 19, 2023
Your mind is a snow globe
Our natural state is one of peacefulness - and when we stop thinking anxious thoughts we ALL have the ability to return to this state....

Sep 9, 2023
Change your beliefs about anxiety
Because the feeling of anxiety is unpleasant, we understandably look for ways to distract ourselves from what we are experiencing. Common...

Aug 25, 2023
How you learn to be afraid
Nobody is born with fear; it’s something we learn - either from direct experience or from seeing or hearing about someone else going...

Aug 14, 2023
How anxiety works: The Thought Stream
To free ourselves from anxious thoughts it helps to have an understanding of how anxiety and fear develops and builds. Let's take a...

Jun 14, 2023
Prisoner of Thought
It's easy to forget that we create our experience of life through our thoughts. Nothing external has the power to make us feel a certain...